Ministers need help too pastors help line

Dr. David Blunt - an adjunct professor and published theorist on multicultural psychology and issues related to cross-cultural perspectives that value diversity as a primary construct in content delivery. In his article titled, The Effects of Multiculturalism within the Parameters of Instructional Course Design, he suggested the communication of an effective curriculum finds its dependency within the multicultural environment of the classroom, and efficacy of the professional educator while embracing student diversity.

He has argued successful student assimilation may depend upon the accuracy of an established curriculum that appropriately adapts to a flexible teaching and learning environment, in which both instructor and student benefit. Furthermore, the students’ cultural orientation and home community socio-influences become problematic for a historically White, middle class, monocultural teacher who lacks adequate diversity training techniques.

Preparation requires multicultural training, one in which teachers do not perceive students of color with views of low academic expectations. Therefore, multicultural educational course design must account for the stereotype, ethical, and racial myths that abound throughout the education system.

Dr. Blunt has also written on the ethical dilemmas that break the confidentiality of the client eventually testing the psychologist’s boundaries such that not taking action may place the patient in a position where they suffer, hurt themselves, or others in his article titled,  Confidentiality, Informed Consent, and Ethical Considerations in Reviewing the Client's Psychotherapy Records.

He suggested the effectiveness in obtaining a valid informed consent might depend upon the therapists training, experience, and sound judgment in conveying the extent of the therapy and limitations imposed by the information disclosed. Therefore, maintaining confidentiality during counseling while working with minors may pose unique scenarios in which the therapists must re-evaluate his/her approach to therapy. This article reviewed important ethical issues related to confidentiality, informed consent, the right to know, and HIPAA requirements fundamental to the therapeutic success of all parties involved.

Consider these questions during your journey in life:

1. Why does it have to be now...
2. How impressed are you with yourself...
3. Can you recognize the wolves among the sheep...
4. What happens if success is not measured over time...
5. Have you determined the value of your circle of influence...
6. In the final analysis where do the problems begin and end...

Book: Dr. Blunt offered ground breaking research related to the referral views of conservative pastors throughout California. His abstract stated: Different philosophical perspectives have emerged regarding the basis for mental health healing that contrast pastoral counselors with their secular counterparts.

These philosophical differences limit client referrals, treatment options, and professional collaboration between religion and psychology. Previous research shows secular counseling is a viable option for pastors as they assist congregants in more liberal denominations with mental health issues. However, there is an absence of research addressing whether Foursquare Church pastors view secular counseling and referral as beneficial for their congregants.

This non-experimental quantitative study, drawing upon therapy and counseling theories, included survey data from 134 Foursquare Church pastors on their views toward theology, counseling, secular referral, and counseling preparedness and confidence using the Pastoral Attitudinal Survey toward Referral scale (PASTOR) and the Scriptural Literalism Scale (SLS). Key research questions assessed the pastors’ responses to theological, counseling, and referral subscales as a function of the pastors’ age, experience, counseling course credits, and theological conservatism.

Principal component analysis and univariate analysis of variance demonstrated the pastors were a homogeneous group in their recognition of the value of secular referral; however, the majority of the pastors would not refer their congregants to secular counselors. This study promotes positive social change by encouraging mental health awareness and secular collaboration as pastors help congregants seek secular mental health healing options while continuing to embrace their religious views.

See his 2008 published research printed in book form:

Religion and Mental Health: Perceptions and Referral Attitudes of the International Church of the Foursquare Gospel Ministers in California Toward Counseling and Psychology.



Dr. David R. Blunt    304 S Jones Blvd #8778  Las Vegas, Nevada 89107

See his brief bio


2019-04-30T10:08:25+00:00 Harbor City - Los Angeles, California.